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Text utils for creating strings with HTML elements.


a(*values, cl=None, attrs=None, sep='')

Create a <a> element string with given values.


Name Type Description Default
*values Any

Zero or more values to be enclosed in the tag. All values are converted to strings.

cl ClParameter

One or more class names to be added to the tag. If a string is provided, it is used as it is. If a list of strings is provided, the strings are joined with a space. If None, no class is added. If an empty list is provided, class attribute is added with an empty string.

attrs AttrsParameter

Additional attributes to be added to the tag. Dictionary {"key1": "value1", ..., "keyN": "valueN"} is converted to key1="value1" ... keyN="valueN". To construct boolean HTML attributes, set None for given key. Any quotes in values are not escaped.

sep str

String separator of the values. Defaults to an empty string.



Type Description

HTML string representing the tag with given values.


bold(*values, cl=None, attrs=None, sep='')

Create a <bold> element string with given values.


Name Type Description Default
*values Any

Zero or more values to be enclosed in the tag. All values are converted to strings.

cl ClParameter

One or more class names to be added to the tag. If a string is provided, it is used as it is. If a list of strings is provided, the strings are joined with a space. If None, no class is added. If an empty list is provided, class attribute is added with an empty string.

attrs AttrsParameter

Additional attributes to be added to the tag. Dictionary {"key1": "value1", ..., "keyN": "valueN"} is converted to key1="value1" ... keyN="valueN". To construct boolean HTML attributes, set None for given key. Any quotes in values are not escaped.

sep str

String separator of the values. Defaults to an empty string.



Type Description

HTML string representing the tag with given values.


code(*values, cl=None, attrs=None, sep='', syntax_highlight='python')

Create a <code> element string with given values.

This element is used to display a source code inline. It is possible to highlight the code syntax by setting syntax_highlight parameter to an appropriate string.


Name Type Description Default
*values Any

Zero or more values to be enclosed in the tag. All values are converted to strings.

cl ClParameter

One or more class names to be added to the tag. If a string is provided, it is used as it is. If a list of strings is provided, the strings are joined with a space. If None, no class is added. If an empty list is provided, class attribute is added with an empty string.

attrs AttrsParameter

Additional attributes to be added to the tag. Dictionary {"key1": "value1", ..., "keyN": "valueN"} is converted to key1="value1" ... keyN="valueN". To construct boolean HTML attributes, set None for given key. Any quotes in values are not escaped.

sep str

String separator of the values. Defaults to an empty string.

syntax_highlight Optional[str]

Syntax highlighting language. Supported values can be obtained from highlight.js table - see column "Aliases". If None, no highlighting is applied. When highlight is turned on, language name and 'inline-highlight' are added to the element as classes.



Type Description

HTML string representing the tag with given values.


code_block(*values, cl=None, attrs=None, pre_cl=None, pre_attrs=None, sep='', syntax_highlight='python')

Create a <pre><code> pair element string with given values.

This element is used to display a source code in a block. It is possible to highlight the code syntax by setting syntax_highlight parameter to an appropriate string.


Name Type Description Default
*values Any

Zero or more values to be enclosed in the tag. All values are converted to strings.

cl ClParameter

One or more class names to be added to the tag. If a string is provided, it is used as it is. If a list of strings is provided, the strings are joined with a space. If None, no class is added. If an empty list is provided, class attribute is added with an empty string. A class is also added when syntax_highlight is set.

attrs AttrsParameter

Additional attributes to be added to the tag. Dictionary {"key1": "value1", ..., "keyN": "valueN"} is converted to key1="value1" ... keyN="valueN". To construct boolean HTML attributes, set None for given key. Any quotes in values are not escaped.

pre_cl ClParameter

The same as cl parameter, but for the <pre> tag.

pre_attrs AttrsParameter

The same as attrs parameter, but for the <pre> tag.

sep str

String separator of the values. Defaults to an empty string.

syntax_highlight Optional[str]

Syntax highlighting language. Supported values can be obtained from highlight.js table - see column "Aliases". If None, no highlighting is applied. When highlight is turned on, language name and 'block-highlight' are added to the element as classes.



Type Description

HTML string representing the tag with given values.


div(*values, cl=None, attrs=None, sep='')

Create a <div> element string with given values.


Name Type Description Default
*values Any

Zero or more values to be enclosed in the tag. All values are converted to strings.

cl ClParameter

One or more class names to be added to the tag. If a string is provided, it is used as it is. If a list of strings is provided, the strings are joined with a space. If None, no class is added. If an empty list is provided, class attribute is added with an empty string.

attrs AttrsParameter

Additional attributes to be added to the tag. Dictionary {"key1": "value1", ..., "keyN": "valueN"} is converted to key1="value1" ... keyN="valueN". To construct boolean HTML attributes, set None for given key. Any quotes in values are not escaped.

sep str

String separator of the values. Defaults to an empty string.



Type Description

HTML string representing the tag with given values.


em(*values, cl=None, attrs=None, sep='')

Create a <em> element string with given values.


Name Type Description Default
*values Any

Zero or more values to be enclosed in the tag. All values are converted to strings.

cl ClParameter

One or more class names to be added to the tag. If a string is provided, it is used as it is. If a list of strings is provided, the strings are joined with a space. If None, no class is added. If an empty list is provided, class attribute is added with an empty string.

attrs AttrsParameter

Additional attributes to be added to the tag. Dictionary {"key1": "value1", ..., "keyN": "valueN"} is converted to key1="value1" ... keyN="valueN". To construct boolean HTML attributes, set None for given key. Any quotes in values are not escaped.

sep str

String separator of the values. Defaults to an empty string.



Type Description

HTML string representing the tag with given values.

link(text, href)

Create a <a> element string with given href and text. This function is a shortcut for a() function.


Name Type Description Default
text str

Text of the link.

href str

URL of the link.



Type Description

HTML string representing the tag with given values.


olist(*values, cl=None, attrs=None, li_cl=None, li_attrs=None, sep='')

Create a <ol> element string with values being enclosed into <li> tags.


Name Type Description Default
*values Any

Zero or more values to be enclosed in the tag. All values are converted to strings.

cl ClParameter

One or more class names to be added to the <ol> tag. If a string is provided, it is used as it is. If a list of strings is provided, the strings are joined with a space. If None, no class is added. If an empty list is provided, class attribute is added with an empty string.

attrs AttrsParameter

Additional attributes to be added to the <ol> tag. Dictionary {"key1": "value1", ..., "keyN": "valueN"} is converted to key1="value1" ... keyN="valueN". To construct boolean HTML attributes, set None for given key. Any quotes in values are not escaped.

li_cl ClParameter

The same as cl parameter, but for the <li> tag.

li_attrs AttrsParameter

The same as attrs parameter, but for the <li> tag.

sep str

Separator string to concatenate the values with.



Type Description

HTML string representing the tag with given values.


span(*values, cl=None, attrs=None, sep='')

Create a <span> element string with given values.


Name Type Description Default
*values Any

Zero or more values to be enclosed in the tag. All values are converted to strings.

cl ClParameter

One or more class names to be added to the tag. If a string is provided, it is used as it is. If a list of strings is provided, the strings are joined with a space. If None, no class is added. If an empty list is provided, class attribute is added with an empty string.

attrs AttrsParameter

Additional attributes to be added to the tag. Dictionary {"key1": "value1", ..., "keyN": "valueN"} is converted to key1="value1" ... keyN="valueN". To construct boolean HTML attributes, set None for given key. Any quotes in values are not escaped.

sep str

String separator of the values. Defaults to an empty string.



Type Description

HTML string representing the tag with given values.


tag(*values, name, cl=None, attrs=None, sep='', paired=True)

Create a tag string with given values.


*values: Zero or more values to be enclosed in the tag.
    All values are converted to strings.
name: Name of the tag.
cl: One or more class names to be added to the tag.
    If a string is provided, it is used as it is.
    If a list of strings is provided, the strings are joined with a space.
    If `None`, no class is added.
    If an empty list is provided, class attribute is added with an empty string.
attrs: Additional attributes to be added to the tag.
    Dictionary `{"key1": "value1", ..., "keyN": "valueN"}`
    is converted to `key1="value1" ... keyN="valueN"`.
    To construct boolean HTML attributes,
    set `None` for given key. Any quotes in values are not escaped.
sep: String separator of the values. Defaults to an empty string.
paired: If True, the values are enclosed in a pair of tags.
    Otherwise, unpaired tag is created.


Type Description

HTML string representing the tag with given values.


ulist(*values, cl=None, attrs=None, li_cl=None, li_attrs=None, sep='')

Create a <ul> element string with values being enclosed into <li> tags.


Name Type Description Default
*values Any

Zero or more values to be enclosed in the tag. All values are converted to strings.

cl ClParameter

One or more class names to be added to the <ul> tag. If a string is provided, it is used as it is. If a list of strings is provided, the strings are joined with a space. If None, no class is added. If an empty list is provided, class attribute is added with an empty string.

attrs AttrsParameter

Additional attributes to be added to the <ul> tag. Dictionary {"key1": "value1", ..., "keyN": "valueN"} is converted to key1="value1" ... keyN="valueN". To construct boolean HTML attributes, set None for given key. Any quotes in values are not escaped.

li_cl ClParameter

The same as cl parameter, but for the <li> tag.

li_attrs AttrsParameter

The same as attrs parameter, but for the <li> tag.

sep str

Separator string to concatenate the values with.



Type Description

HTML string representing the tag with given values.