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Pyreball is a Python reporting tool that generates HTML reports from Python scripts.

Main features:

The main motivation is to allow users to create persistent reports in the form of HTML pages from scripts retaining the Python syntax. The advantage of using regular Python scripts as the source of these HTML pages is that they are easy to maintain, can be refactored quickly through various IDEs, etc.

Pyreball is designed not to require any dependencies, unless you decide to use them. For example, if you decide to print pandas DataFrames to HTML tables and plot altair charts, you need to install pandas and altair.


pip install pyreball

First Report

Create a python script, for example named

import pyreball as pb

pb.set_title("Pyreball Illustration")

    "Pyreball has many features, among others:",
        "Creating charts.",
        "Sortable and scrollable tables.",
        f'Basic text formatting such as {pb.em("emphasis")}.',
        f'Also {"hyperlinks", "")}.',

Now run pyreball on this script as


pyreball will create report.html that should look like this when opened in a browser:

It is also possible to pass a module path:

pyreball -m report

Adding Tables and Figures

The core functionality of pyreball does not require any 3rd party dependencies. However, it is possible to generate other types of elements with the help of libraries such as pandas or seaborn.

Let's create another python script called

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import pyreball as pb
import seaborn as sns

pb.set_title("Tables and Figures")

df = pd.DataFrame({"x": [1, 2, 3], "y": [4, 6, 5]})
pb.print_table(df, caption="A data table.")

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
sns.lineplot(x="x", y="y", ax=ax, data=df)
ax.set(xlabel="x", ylabel="y")
pb.print_figure(fig, caption="A line chart.")

Install pandas and seaborn, then run pyreball:

pip install pandas seaborn

report_chart.html should look like this:

Next Steps

Continue with Basic Printing chapter to explore more features and examples.